
We provide a data exploration service that helps showcase your own data and demonstrates meaningful patterns not previously available and seen.

This showcasing exercise, is a proof of concept that is delivered rapidly and allows you to see and understand the tangible possibilities of using your data to develop analytical outcomes. The benefit and purpose of providing data exploration is that it will de-risk implementation activities by uncovering any problems or issues previously not known, all without over committing. It provides you with a good start of what’s possible and gets your organisation interested whilst gathering business momentum.

Objectives and Data Requirements

We work with our clients to define what the objectives of the data exploration and what they want to see in terms of the analytics outcomes. The outcomes are defined quickly and in an agile approach that evolve over the deliverable timeframe. This helps our clients start their data and analytics journey using their data.

Data Integration

We help our clients connect their source data to a data platform using integration capabilities. The integration allows for data to be extracted from source and highlights the underlying risks with the data as it’s exposed untouched. The source to target mapping demonstrates the heavy lifting required to sustainably use the data, whilst allowing automated data integration for long term success.

Data Modelling

We work closely with our customers to develop data models based on the data requirements These modelling services are critically for structuring the data appropriately to achieve the data requirements and then present the data succinctly.

Visualisation and Capability

We showcase client’s data to demonstrate what’s possible to the target audience. The output of the visualisation will show the capabilities of the analytics platform and meaningful patterns and insights not previously seen or known. This helps our clients bridge the gap between previously unstructured data and presenting data and insights to make better, more informed data driven decisions.