
We work with you to execute your defined data studies , to support your decision making and provide insights to your data not previously available and seen.

Data studies are defined, short pieces of work e.g. mini scope of works, that provide outcomes at a rapid pace using the necessary tools. These are refined and improved during the project, so you see ongoing progress on your data.

The best results are achieved with input from different persons across the organisation who can provide alternative context and views.

Definition & Frame Up

Step 1

Is to define and frame up data studies to ensure the best outcomes. The planning component is necessary to make sure the business problem is articulated prior to commencing the work. The planning and approach are an output of a structured workshop that addresses the inputs and prerequisites of the data studies including the expected timeframes, resources, data sources and timing.

Data Hypothesis

Step 2

Is structuring the study and framing this into either a top down or bottom up data hypothesis. This helps to socialise the requirement as an input to the data execution. Data hypothesis are used often in organisations, unaware they are actually doing this intentionally. We then lift the awareness of this and work with our clients to understand and educate on how to approach the data requirement in structured capacity.

Study Execution

Step 3

After the Data Hypothesis is agreed, we execute the Data Study against the plan. We help lead and guide the activities with our clients from accessing and cleansing of the data sources, building data models and presenting the insights with the cross representation of the business. We also use latest technologies at hand to dive deeper and provide further insights that assist in accelerating the outcome and managing the required volume. Finally, the Data Study provides the commentary and insights into what is the cause of the data outcome and why, again using latest technologies available.

Actionable Analytics

Step 4

We help our clients turn the outcomes into actions, which are monitored and embedded within future decision making. This ensures that the decisions that are made from the Data Study are implemented and measured when we assess the impact and change it has had on our client’s business. The rounding off on the “Actionable” outcomes helps our clients strive for success and is part of the journey to developing and changing into data driven superstars.